AGM Minutes and Accounts 2024
Please click on the links below to view the minutes and accounts AGM Minutes 4th November 2024 Accounts for AGM 04.11.24
Autumn Meeting 7th October 2024
We were welcomed to Cooden Beach GC for the last event of the year before the AGM. We were all hoping that the pessimistic weather forecasts were wrong and so they were. The day stayed dry and there was even some autumnal sunshine. The course was in great condition so...
President’s Competition with SGC
We played our annual match with the Sussex Golf Captains at Piltdown Golf Club on 16th September and we could not have wished for a more perfect September day. The sun shone all afternoon and everyone made the most of it. Piltdown was in beautiful condition and the...
Autumn Meeting Start Sheet
The start sheet for the Autumn Meeting on Monday 7th October can be found here.
Mixed Meeting 5th August 2024
This year's Mixed meeting was held at Slinfold GC in sunny weather, in fact some found it a bit too hot in the afternoon. (But we mustn't complain after the poor start to our summer this year). A good time was had by all and after a lovely meal the winners were...
SLC&SGA vs Berkshire 11th August 2024
We played our last match of the season against Berkshire at Sonning G, C. under beautiful blue sunny skies, it is a lovely tree lined parkland course and if you stayed out of the long rough you were okay. We were given a warm welcome and the matches were played in the...
Mixed Meeting Tee times
The Start sheet for the Mixed meeting being held at Slinfold GC on Monday 5th August can be found here
SLC&SGA match vs Surrey 1st July 2024
As we made our way down the very long approach to Farleigh GC our hearts sank as we viewed the proliferation of knee high wispy rough surrounding the fairways. However, we were given a very warm welcome at the clubhouse and felt much better as we set out on our...
SLC&SGA vs SGC Monday 24h June
This annual event took place at Haywards Heath GC on one of the first very warm days of the year. After a sandwich lunch the 4BBB matches were sent on their way by Carole Lee, whose father first instigated this popular meeting. The skies were blue and stayed that way...
SLC&SGA match vs Kent 10th June 2024
Our home match versus Kent was hosted by Mid Sussex GC this year. Dark clouds greeted us as we arrived but fortified by bacon rolls we set forth and were rewarded by dry weather for our match. All the matches were closely contended with the final result a 6-2...
President’s day results
After a chilly grey start the sun eventually appeared for President’s Day at Haywards Heath. The course was in great condition thanks to the hard work by the Greens staff, although the greens proved very slick and a cause for much discussion over lunch! A two...
President’s Day
Wendy Melville, our President. is looking forward to welcoming the entrants on Monday 10th June 2024 The Start Sheet has been sent out and can be found here.
Spring Meeting 13th May 2024 Report and results
This year's Spring Meeting was held at Ifield GC who had kindly agreed to hold it at fairly short notice. The day started overcast and a little chilly but everyone stayed mainly dry.The prizegiving took place after a delicious two course buffet. The...
SLC&SGA vs Hampshire 2nd May 2024
We were welcomed to Pyecombe GC for our second match of the year. The day started misty but fortunately most of the closely contested matches were played in the dry. Our Captain Roseanne was very pleased that she had managed to play her first 18 holes of the year...
Spring Meeting Start Sheet
We are hoping that the sun plays ball for our Spring Meeting on Monday 13th May at Ifield GC! The Start Sheet has been sent out and can be found here.
SLC&SGA vs Kent at Chislehurst GC 22nd Aprl 2024
Our first match of the season was at Chislehurst and we were warmly welcomed at a beautiful clubhouse which once was the home of Napoleon the third. The vagaries of the weather meant that I was a non-playing captain as they were not allowing buggies on the course but...
Our Bank Account has changed
Please ensure you are using the right details when paying your entry fees. The correct details are in the blue Handbook and on the application forms on the website.
Entry forms
Reminder...... the entry forms for all our events and matches are in the 'Members' area
Happy Christmas
We would like to wish all our a members a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year with lots of golf. Work is under way on the website to introduce a new members area. Once this is completed all subscribed members will receive an invitation to register.